Author Archives: jmirickg

Parametric design

“Parametric design is a design method where features (such as building elements and engineering components) are shaped according to algorithmic processes, in contrast to being designed directly. In this method, parameters and rules determine the relationship between design intent and design response. The term parametric refers to input parameters fed into the algorithms.”

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These Republicans – Assholes

28 Republicans voted against the bipartisan Respect for Child Survivors Act, which addresses the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) mishandling of child sex abuse cases. This bill was proposed in response to the Larry Nassar investigation

The bipartisan, bicameral Respect for Child Survivors Act will reduce poorly conducted interviews during investigations of child abuse and sexual exploitation by requiring the FBI to use multidisciplinary teams of trained professionals. 

Chris Coon’s website

Here is their contact information if you have any questions.

Mamamoo Concert MY CON – Solo Change Medley

Mamamoo members recently covered each other’s solo songs at MY CON; categorize this under “means nothing to those who don’t know and means everything to those who do.” I cannot pick favorites with Mamamoo, but Hwasa singing Eclipse made my day.

State Sen. George Burns (R-Pollard) – Asshole

Let’s legislate the ability to talk about important issues that you disagree with. Also, tag on ‘contending viewpoints’ to make it sound like a reasonable solution.

Oklahoma State Sen. George Burns (R-Pollard) has filed SB 20, a measure that would prevent public school history teachers from being required to talk about, “currently controversial issues of public policy or social affairs” in class.

Teachers could still include such issues in their lessons, but they would have to discuss various and contending viewpoints on the topics.

The measure would also prevent students from getting credit for lobbying for legislation, and prevent schools from using private dollars for both social studies courses and teacher training.

Tom Ferguson

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Fuzzy-trace theory

Fuzzy-trace theory (FTT) is a theory of cognition originally proposed by Valerie F. Reyna and Charles Brainerd that draws upon dual-trace conceptions to predict and explain cognitive phenomena, particularly in memory and reasoning. The theory has been used in areas such as cognitive psychologyhuman development, and social psychology to explain, for instance, false memory and its development, probability judgments, medical decision making, risk perception and estimation, and biases and fallacies in decision making.

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